Chi Omega.

Friendship, personal integrity, service to others, academic excellence and intellectual pursuits, community and campus involvement, personal and career development.


Symbol & Flower:

Chi Omega’s symbol is the Owl. Their flower is the White Carnation.


Dream Connection


Cardinal & Straw


Nationally, Chi Omega was founded on April 5th, 1895. At the University of Tennessee, Chi Omega was founded in 1900.


Choose Wisely.

Meet Chi Omega President,

Kendal Wooley

Kendal tells us about her experience in Panhellenic and her chapter:

“Being involved in the University of Tennesesee's Panhellenic Community has absolutely changed my college experience for the better. The women in this community are constantly aiming for success in all areas, and have pushed me to become the best version of myself. I have found my forever friends through Panhellenic and Chi Omega, and I could not be more thankful.”